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Креативная фотосъемка мероприятий. Хороший фотограф Макушин Алексей

Информация о пользователе > Вячеслав Брагин

мужской пол
Украина, Кривой Рог
Вячеслав Брагин
дневник, блог:перейти
дата регистрации:12.08.12
последний визит:11.04.14 03:00

Vyacheslav Bragin was born 1966 in Odessa, Ukraine. I studied Journalistics at the National University named after T. G. Shevchenko in Kiev.

After graduating i served in Army, where he was appointed as the leading artist of the Moscow Military Constituency. After the Army I am worked as a journalist for several years and the different aspects of such job made him to discover his passion for photography.

As a hobby in the beginning, photography gradually became main passion of my life.

In 1995 i am moved to Sevastopol, which is located on the beautiful Crimea coast, and started working as a photo artist in a private studio.

There, being inspired by the Crimean coast and nature, i am discovered passion for reflecting the beauty of women's body in the art photography. I am perception of women became as of the most amazing creatures in the Universe. My main aim when a model walks into his studio is to open her inner secret world, to make her discover herself and feel her secret nature inside.

"It is amazing feeling when you can uncover and highlight the best and most beautiful features of a model and show the world the magnificent power of women's beauty!"

Together with photography I am excelled in his technical graphic and web design skills. In 1998 he opened his own Bragin Design Studio http://www.bragindesign.com/, which offers a variety of services starting from beautiful artistic photos and ending with complete webpage design. Currently Bragin Design Studio has produced hundreds of web designs and his artwork is actively published in leading Ukrainian and Russian magazines, calendars, international websites and advertisements.

When not in his studio, he can be found anywhere in Sevastopol making beautiful pictures of nude women at stunning Crimean sea coast, ruined buildings or ancient abandoned castles.

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Фотограф Вячеслав Брагин
г. Кривой Рог
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